Friday, April 23, 2010

A Hero

At the moment, I have a new hero. Her name is Penny Palfrey, a 47 year old grandmother, who within the next 20 hours she will attempt an epic swim. Her goal is to swim over 72 miles across the Kaieiewaho Channel. It is the only Channel in the Hawaiian Islands that has never been crossed while swimming. Her projected finish time is between 30-40 hours. If she completes her goal it will be the longest unaided, nonstop open ocean swim in history. When a reporter asked her why she is doing this, her answer was simple. She said it is because no one has done it before and she was told it was not possible.

What is amazing about her is not that she might finish but that she is willing to try. She must contend with winds, ocean swells, the depth of the water, sealife and possible hypothermia. She's brave, daring and maybe a little crazy. You can watch her progress:

I send her my positive thoughts and the knowledge that she is in good hands. My brother, Jeff, 50, is her paddleboard guide and his friend Bill Goding, 57, is the alternate guide. Although not old, they are pushing some of the perceived limits we have about getting older. YEAH!

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