Monday, August 30, 2010

Still Kicking

I have not seen this documentary yet but just watching the trailer is inspiring.  Still Kicking is about age and living our older years with passion.
This is what the site says about the documentary:

 Amy Gorman invited Frances Kandl to journey with her throughout the San Francisco Bay Area searching for female role models--very old women, still active artists, living with zest. While Amy chronicles their oral histories, Frances is inspired to compose songs for several of these women, many well past 90, culminating in concerts celebrating lives liberated by age.
Through their encounters, Amy and Frances unveil the possibility of aging richly, not in spite of becoming very old, but because of it.

Still kicking honors the gift of age, and poignantly illustrates that growing old can be a time of creative expression and satisfaction.

We don't usually put the words gift and aging together.  Let's be open to the possibility that aging is a gift, not only because we are on this earth longer but because it can bring wisdom, freedom, creativity and time to pursue our talents.  Celebrate your age!

Today I send you thoughts of warmth, the aroma of fresh coffee and gingerbread, the thrill of being your authentic self and lots of time for a nap.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Another Amazing Woman

There are so many impressive people out there.  Take a look at Diane Niad.  She is 60 years old and going after her dream.  Even if she does not reach her goal, she is amazing.  She just completed a nonstop 24 hour ocean swim.  Just to try something so physically daunting at her age is hard to comprehend.  Next she will attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida - 103 miles!  She tried it once in 1978 and swam for 40 hours before her coach stopped the swim.  She is going to try it again because she wants to be an inspiration to all 60 year olds.  So send her good thoughts!  Hurray for chasing dreams!

Today I send you dreams worth chasing, wild sunsets and the sound of hummingbirds with your morning coffee.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Learning to Redirect our Focus

From when we were young we have been taught that youth is beauty, wrinkles are the enemy, we should hide our sad.   We cannot possibly recapture the beauty of youth so it's up to us to reinvent the beauty of the aging process. We need to be the ones embracing our faces and changing bodies.  Stand proud and see the beauty in all women.  Forget "anti-aging".  We ARE aging so let's revel in it.  Look at these pictures.  Remember this line: Why not learn to love grey, silver and delicately etched lines, even saggy pouches?  Why not embrace the transitions, the contradictions and storylines layered into a lived-in face?

Today I send you wishes for a life lived with passion, butterfly kisses, unexpected surprises and the scent of honeysuckle wafting through your dreams!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My sister, Carol, from Redondo Beach, CA will be here next week for a vacation.  What will we do?  Walk, walk, walk.  Why?  First, because we can.  We are healthy, vibrant women who live life as fully and compassionately as we can and for some reason we are always compelled to do physical things.  Second, because Carol is on a 1,000 mile trek to raise awareness to the plight of the women of the Congo.  Carol is 49 and I am 57 - watch for us on the streets of Spokane.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The One Flaw in Women

Watch this movie when you have some time to sit down and really absorb it.  Open your heart and get in touch with whatever emotions it brings.  Smile, cry or just say ahhhh.  Realize that most of us have this flaw.  Then sometime this week tell a woman, one you don't know, that she is beautiful.  Look in her eyes and really mean it.  Tell me your stories about it.

And remember you are beautiful too!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Still Doing It

Menopause comes and we find ourselves worrying about wrinkles, weight gain, hot flashes and unwanted hair growth.  Secretly we also worry about sex.  Will we still want it? Can we still have an orgasm?  Will we feel sexy?  Will someone still find us attractive?  Will we find ourselves attractive?  Take a look at this site.  It's called Still Doing It.  It IS about sex so if you don't want to hear about what we have to look forward to or if you prefer not to hear about the topic don't click on the link.  If you are curious check out the movie clip.  I think it's fabulous.

Here's to sex in our 60's, 70's, 80's.....Thank you to the uninhibited women in the movie.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Beauty of Aging

This will leave you smiling.  It is a movie about women over 80.  They talk about attitude, loss, perspective and sex.  Yes, there are orgasms after 80!  Watch the trailer and fall in love with these women.  Let them take you on a journey away from the fear of getting older   I have not seen the entire movie and I get nothing if you purchase it.  I plan on getting one and sharing it with all my female friends.

The Beauty of Aging

Friday, August 6, 2010

Aging Gracefully

Angela Paul is beautiful and 50.  Listen to what she is really saying about aging.  Remember she is a model, it's her job to look youthful but she has much wisdom in her approach to getting older.  We should all be trying to shift our perception of what beauty looks like as the years pass.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Absolute Beauty of Aging

No matter what her age, the beautiful woman loves being herself.  She has great posture and emits self confidence and poise.  She has a sense of style uniquely her own. 

There will always be products that claim to capture the beauty of youth but the truth is only youth can capture the beauty of youth.  We need to redefine the beauty of aging.  It includes wrinkles, laugh lines, spots, wisdom, grace, confidence, energy, and serenity.

Your treat for today:  The Absolute Beauty of Aging  Enjoy!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wrinkled Ladies

It's time to redefine beauty and equate it with aging.  We need to stop taking ourselves so seriously and have a little fun with our shape as well as our age.  Lighten up! I hope this video brings a smile to your face and a lightness to your heart.  Join me - let's laugh more, stop obsessing, exercise every day, eat healthy, find friends who support us, find partners who love us.

Now give yourself a big hug and laugh out loud.